Friday, 16 August 2013


无可否认,我的却在这两个月里眼泪一直在流,可能泪腺太浅了吧..... 随便看一看戏,只要有离别,会眼眶乏泪的。

一)Joyce 进了医院。我是在七月三十,三点多上午,才知道她出事了。还记得那天,我明明眼睛就很累,因为昨晚开夜车的关系,还以为那晚会很好睡的,哪知,当我想要扫一扫面子书时,被我发现她男友的status update。我愣了,脑海里一直浮现着前几天和她与几位朋友谈谈实习的情景,又听见我朋友说他前几天和她去CC玩到深夜,这么可能这么快出事了?!初初还以为,她晕倒撞到头,而需要动脑部手术来取出血块。但是事情没有我想象的那么简单。从别人口中知道,她的血管(artery wall)一些部分特别的薄,也不知道何故,血管爆了,形成了血块,而晕倒。因为隔天需要上课的缘故,我没办法去探望她,因为探望时间不对,就打算迟些再去,在我还没去探望她之前,每一天都在FB留意她的最新消息,看看有好转了吗。那段时间得到的消息,一直不明确,那时我就知道她的情况很不稳定了。就忍不住约了我朋友去探望她。到了那里,因为时间有点早,大约还有2小时才能进去ICU, 就去吃一吃早餐。给了名登记后,推开门,眼睛很忙的在找着107房在哪里。当我在远处看到她时,我脚步开始僵硬了,步伐有点重,头脑空白,就这样走了她床尾,就这么从远方看她,此刻的我没有勇气再踏进去了,因为他们说的都是事实,事实就在我眼前,站在那里不到2分钟我就离开了。我真的很怕去医院,但我更害怕我亲人在医院的病床上,可能小时候在医院里看到的东西太深刻了,造成有点阴影吧.......... 过后拜日和拜一才开始和她说话,轻轻的摸她的手臂才离开。拜二,佩妮跟我说,Joyce的眼睛被护士用棉花盖上了..... 我这才看开了,心想:无论妳做了什么决定,我依然支持。就这样,她在开斋节那天走了。



Monday, 6 May 2013




Saturday, 13 April 2013

What's Loo Yi Juan's Hidden Meaning?

You Are Peaceful and Content

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.
You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.
You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

Sunday, 7 April 2013


这天,是我考measurement 2 test 的一天,也是我伤心的一天。伤心不是因为我不会做,而是在凌晨两点钟时,收到了我前同事的简讯,说道,我其中一位马来同事去世了,原因,得了结核病.......顿时的我,眼眶都湿了,脑袋里充满着我与她相处的回忆...... 她大我两年,她是我在办公室了最要好的朋友兼同事,每一次当我不明白,不会怎么做某一样东西时,她总是会教我......... 她的人很慷慨解囊,谦虚~ 虽然她身体情况不好,但她还是把自己的时间花在她即将要结婚的姐姐身上,帮忙她找婚纱,化妆师等等的~ 做工时间还比我长,做完了她的工作,她还会下楼去帮她姐做store房的工.......在她开始在这间公司工作时期,她想要申请假期都会考虑上司来得及做完工吗等等的~  起初,她怀疑自己被下降头,而申请了假期去看巫医,而且那天他拿了假期后,上司还要求她在那个星期六做工,我那时心里真的很不好受,心想:她已经咳得很严重了,你还要吩咐她拜六需要回来做,你到底有没有人性啊?! 西蒂,希望你能在新的国度里活得自在,开心!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Had been such a long time i didn't update my blog. So, i have to write something to "polish" it before it become "dull" .... oh yea, now only i realize this is my first blog in 2013!! ( Macam very proud =.=" )
Let me roughly conclude anything that happened this year.

 1. As usual, taking a course mate group photo below the pine tree during Chinese New Year. Last year was  red shirts , this year they decided to choose black shirt as the theme of 2013. (actually this is to convenience some one who only have black and white shirts..... haha, just kidding, i should say, every one of us more likely to have black shirts.... hehe  :p 

red shirts - 2012

Black shirts - 2013

2. Pua's wedding !!!! and is my first time become the "K leh feh camera girl" lol...... actually i'm taking more video that day. Honestly, i'm not good in video taking ..... Sorry to Pua if what you get from me is not the quality you want.  :(   i do learnt a lot of things on that day ,for example : better technique to shot or video , procedure to meet the bride etc....

one of their Wedding album. Awh~ so sweet! 

happily to get my first BOOM ! haha XD

3. Went to Penang ! hunting for delicious food - Asam Laksa ~~ haha ! 

our very first group photo after enjoy our "lunch" ....

erm......... C.E.N.D.O.L haha

"lok lok ????"

nice building, nice design, nice people. LOL

our first wall art group photo. thanks to the police camera man ! ^^

a looooong chain ...... "pull and push"~

nice photo , nice scenario, nice ppl.... lol 


actually wanna wet myself when i saw this..... 

"ESCAPE" ! and i challenged myself to play flying fox ... nightmare weyyy~  ( x_x )"

4. Lay Kian birthday celebration at bu jian bu san~~~ (1st Feb 2013)

flowers ! lol....

make a wish make a wish~~~~~

macaroons !

group photos !!!!

5. makan-makan with mummy and sister at Sushi Zanmai .

ehhh........ sushi and noodles ~ lol

udon and noodles ..... @_@

3 of us, my mummy get shocked ?
creativity wei~~ 

muacx !!!!! this is in decent way.... 

6. Went to quite a number of soft skill programme .

Motivation program for youth.
Half day crime prevention workshop.
What new graduates must know at work

stable foundation ?  ( =.= )"

7. Wei Kiat birthday celebration ( 19th Feb 2013 ) at DK3...

lim zun birthday ~  The guy who sitting behind of us,
 keep hiding himself from our camera ..... hahaa

8. Joyce birthday celebration ( 20th Mac 2013 ) at Pizza Hut.

everyone is in normal pose, except chu hui ~ lol.....

9. Pey Ni ( pok pok chui) birthday celebration ( 26 Mac 2013 )

the hands look like a group of spiders jump on the top of pey ni 's head.  hahahaa


ps. sorry for my poor english ....